Welcome to Bethany

You are a child of God, holy and beloved.

Regardless of your age,
marital status,
sexuality or gender identity,
if you're a life-long Christian or a spiritual seeker,
a believer or a doubter;
whoever you are,
wherever you’re from,
whatever burdens you carry,
rest assured: 

you are welcome here.

Join us for Worship!

Sunday Services
11AM In Person

4420 N 41st Street
Tacoma, WA 98407

Recordings on YouTube:


What's Coming Up...

Services for Ash Wednesday, Lent & Holy Week

Ash Wednesday Service & Imposition of Ashes - 6 pm, March 5

Lenten Vespers & Soup Supper - 6 pm; March 12, 19, & 26, April 2 & 9

Palm Sunday - 11 am, April 13

Good Friday - 6 pm, April 18

Easter Sunrise Service - 7 am, April 20

Easter Worship - 11 am, April 20

Our Denomination

We are part of the Presbyterian Church (USA). A connectional Christian body that is reformed, and always reforming.

Our denomination ordains women and members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community into all levels of leadership.

Open & Affirming

We are proud to be a member of More Light Presbyterians, which means we fully welcome people of the rainbow community into the life and ministry of our congregation.

If you have news or an update you wish to be included in our monthly newsletter, click the button below: